Find Your Fit
Sacrificial Service at Freshwater
We are always looking for people to serve faithfully and sacrificially in our various ministries here at Freshwater. In the list below, you're sure to find opportunities that fit how God has designed YOU – your passions, your personality, your talents and, of course, your spiritual gifts.
Wondering where you fit? Email the office ( to set up a time of evaluation that will help you better understand how God may want to use your unique gifts, talents and interests.

Click through the tabs to the left (below), sorted by ministry, to find all sorts of rewarding ways to join with God and what He is doing here at Freshwater! If you'd like to learn more about a particular ministry, click the buttons in each section.
In our Gen Now Kids Ministry, open to all children from birth through 6th grade, we teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ while guiding kids at a young age into a growing relationship with Him.
- Nursery and Toddlers: People are needed to staff the ministry that cares for and disciples our young children during both worship services on Sundays.
- Small Group Teachers/Assistants: On Sunday mornings, children 3 years – 6th grade are invited to attend classes with engaging learning activities that are relevant to their age group. Kids are guided into the Bible and loved by gifted teachers and helpers.
- GEMS & Trail Life: This bi-weekly discipleship ministry for kids in 1st – 6th grade meets Wednesday nights throughout the school year. GEMS is for our young girls and Trail Life is for our young boys. Adults and helpers lead games, teach lessons and disciple students in smaller groups. There are also a handful of fun activities outside of Wednesday nights.
- Kid’s Connection Team (KCT): Greet and check-in regular attenders and visitors in the kids’ area on Sunday mornings as part of our KCT. Bring your best smile along with some basic computer skills!
- Event Team: This group works under the guidance of our children’s ministry team to plan, organize, set up and tear down the special family events that are held throughout the year.
- BOTR Planning Team: This team works together to plan and organize everything for our Beulah on the Road (BOTR) day camp each summer. They also attend throughout the week of BOTR and help each day with a variety of essential needs and responsibilities.
Our Gen Now Youth Ministry for teens in 7th-12th grade impacts the young people of our church and community in multiple ways. Opportunities include Sunday night activities geared toward deeper relationships to events throughout the year designed to come alongside teens and their families in their journey toward Christ.
- Behind-The-Scenes Team: This team accomplishes so much for our teens and the ministry, including snack setup and tear down at special events, room preparation, driving students to events to offset the cost of transportation, helping our ministry assistant with administrative tasks, and much more.
- Life Group & Discipleship Group Leaders: Our leaders are committed to our junior high and senior high students, working together with the youth pastor on Sunday nights and throughout the week to connect with and love on smaller groups of students.
Our Adult Ministries & Discipleship groups impact the church and the community in a number of significant ways. Opportunities range from teaching and relational ministry to planning or simply being a smiling face on Sunday mornings for visitors and regular attenders alike.
- Welcome Team: Both services are staffed with a team that intentionally meets regular attenders and visitors with a greeting and a smile, answers questions, collects information, and follows up to connect them into our church. They also plan and host “The Table,” a regular gathering intended for newer attenders and those looking for greater connection to the church family.
- Adult Classes: Our church offers a variety of classes that focus on discipleship and fellowship. Examples: Financial Peace University, The Theology Program and World Religion. Those who lead need gifting in teaching or helping people build relationships with others in the class. We are looking for both teachers and facilitators.
- Outreach: We are intentional in our efforts to reach non-believers and the lost through evangelism opportunities like Alpha and incarnational (relational) interactions that allow us to minister to those in need by meeting them and loving them right where they are.
- Women’s Ministry: This ministry provides relevant and engaging events that bring the women of the church closer to God and to each other. They have several teams you could serve with, like discipleship groups and classes, outreach events, fellowship events, missions and prayer.
- Men’s Ministry: There are a growing number of ways for men to get plugged in at our church. We need help with leading more discipleship groups, planning events and developing our leadership team.
- Senior Saints: Each month, we minister to the needs of our older congregation. We need people who love well and would be willing to plan, set up, tear down and love on our legacy.
- Community Group Leaders: Community Groups focus on building authentic relationships and leading people to a deeper faith in God. We are looking for people to learn under a current leader before branching off to their own group.
Our Worship & Tech Ministry is built on these five cultural values: to have intimacy with Christ, to serve with excellence, to live and worship openly before others, to be together, and to replicate more worshippers in every generation. Team members can serve in a variety of up-front or behind-the-scenes capacities.
- Worship Team: This team provides opportunity to singers, musicians and other artists to use their talent to lead in public worship services.
- Audio Techs: Serving in two separate stations on Sunday mornings, our audio team mixes live sound for our auditorium and our livestream.
- Screen Techs: The screen team prepares and runs the on-screen media that is seen during Sunday morning services.
- Producers: Producers plan and execute all aspects of the livestream (including video shots, transitions and more) in conjunction with the other members of our stream team.
- Camera Operators: Our camera operators utilize our cameras to bring about the best shots and experience for our livestream feed.
- Lighting Techs: Lighting techs set up and run the stage and house lighting during both of our Sunday morning services.
- Stage Design: Our stage design team plans, builds and implements new creative stage displays for our auditorium. This position serves a couple of times per year, one week at a time.
- Youth Band & Tech: This team leads worship and prepares the tech needs (audio and screens) for the Reality 139 youth gathering on Sunday nights.
- Ushers: The ushers welcome people as they enter worship service while assisting those who need help finding seats and taking offering. They also provide general oversight to keeping the order during worship services in the event of emergencies or special needs.
In our Church-Wide Ministries, you’ll find variety of opportunities that don’t fit under a specific ministry umbrella because they impact multiple areas of our church. We are always eager to welcome new people into these important roles.
- Prayer Ministry: Our church has an email list that we use to pass on important prayer requests. There are also teams of people who guide people through prayer in multiple venues.
- Missions Team: This team’s goal is to educate and mobilize our church into local, regional and international missions through things like events, testimonies, videos, prayer and short-term mission trips.
- Freedom Ministry: There is nothing quite like being set free by Jesus! This team is equipped to work directly with those looking for freedom from past hurts, habitual sin or other forms of bondage that keeps them from deeper intimacy with Christ.
- Church-Wide Childcare: There is a need for volunteer childcare for younger ages during various ministry times at the church, including evening classes, GEMS and Trail Life, morning women’s groups, visitor lunches and more.
- Chair Team: Ministry is busy, and space is limited. Each week, the chairs in the auditorium are torn down for ministry happening throughout the week before being reset for Sunday morning services. A team is necessary to make sure this important task is completed every week.
- Hospitality: A team of people who serve during the various events of our church and on Sunday mornings. Members of this team serve by helping in the kitchen, prepping and serving food, making coffee for Sunday services, setting up event spaces (tables, chairs, etc.), cleaning up, and being a pleasant face during these regular ministry events.
- Decorations: Those with a great eye for interior design and decorating can have an impact on worship and people’s perception of our church by ministering in this area.
- *Treasurers/Counters: This ministry has the privilege of watching God provide for this church every week in counting the offerings after Sunday services. A treasurer needs to be ready to serve and have a knack for administrative and financial detail. There are teams of people that serve on a rotating basis to count after church on Sundays.
- *Trustees: This is a group of people whose ministry is caring for the church property and giving their time and energy to ensure that the church building is running at full capacity.
- *Deacons & Deaconesses: Deacons (men) and Deaconesses (women) are people whose ministry is serving with practical tasks for the church and helping those in need like shut-ins, the needy and the sick.
- *Elders: The Elders are the spiritual leaders of the congregation, and their ministry consists of vision for the church, decision-making, prayer, leading and care for our congregation.
*Denotes ministries that are elected positions
We encourage you to be “fresh water” to our church and to the community around us, including with our Ministry Partners. Serve wherever you see the need and God is leading, whether informally or with an outside ministry. If you are interested in ministry opportunities outside the church, check out these missions partnerships.
If you're exploring sacrificial service at Freshwater and you're ready to take the next step, click the button below to fill out an online interest form. On the form, you'll let us know what area(s) you're interested in potentially serving in while also providing basic contact details so someone from our office can connect with you!