
Stephanie McAllister
Discipleship Team | Women’s Ministry Team Leader
Stephanie studied wellness and nutrition at Miami University. She has held jobs in marketing and teaching. Being a mom is by far her #1 calling and job. Stephanie felt the desire to step out of her comfort zone for the first time and began serving in various women’s ministry roles in 2014, starting with leading IF:Wadsworth and leading Bible studies. From there, she discovered her love of teaching and connecting women, and partnering with them as they use their gifts. In those roles, she had the challenge and honor to work with teams from multiple churches, building multiple teams to work united for the the Lord. Her role as the adult discipleship assistant helps her continue to bring people together, starting when they first walk in the door of Freshwater, all the way to our beloved older and seasoned adults. Her giftings are equal part hospitality, teaching and administration.
Stephanie’s role includes supporting and organizing the behind the scenes ins and outs of Adult Discipleship – which includes most of Freshwater’s events, classes and the process of welcoming new people to the church. She is also the the Women’s Ministry Team Leader, where her passion of connecting with women, encouraging them and living life in community together is fully utilized.
Stephanie has been married to Ryan, her college sweetheart, for 22 years. They have two teens, Liam and Brynne, and they have a lot of fun animals.
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