GEMS Girls Club

The world isn’t waiting for our girls to grow up before trying to trap them with lies, so we can’t wait until they grow up to equip them with the Truth. Now is the time to equip them with the power of God’s Word so they can be changed from the inside out.

This year at GEMS – through Transformed: Changed by God’s Word from the Inside Out – our hope is that every girl will learn who Jesus is and how to follow Him, understand the gospel, develop a love for God’s word, and become equipped to memorize, study, and apply scripture (Romans 12:2).

For more than 60 years, GEMS has provided relevant resources to equip moms, mentors and ministry leaders to understand the challenges girls face today. GEMS will equip you to help your girl embrace the Truth that she is loved by God – no matter what!

Cost: $35, payable when you register.

We meet the 2nd/4th Wednesdays of most months throughout the school year from 6:30-8:00pm! Come check us out and we’ll give you a calendar with future dates.