Family Ministry
Raising up a generation who brings glory to God by knowing Him and making Him known as they live Up, In and Out
Our Gen Now Family Ministry offers several connection points for children birth through 12th grade to begin and grow in their relationships with Jesus (their "Up"), His family (their "In"), and His mission (their "Out"). Opportunities include Sunday morning classrooms (birth-6th grade) and midweek programming (1st-6th grade) on Tuesday and Wednesday nights for our Gen Now Kids, and Sunday night gatherings for our Gen Now Youth. Also, understanding that parents have the primary role of leading their children towards Jesus and His truth, we desire to come alongside families while encouraging and equipping parents as they lead their children with confidence and courage.
Our kids ministry serves children birth-6th grade, and our youth ministry serves teens in 7th-12th grade. Find more information for each area of our family ministry by clicking the tabs below.

In our Gen Now Kids Ministry, open to all children from birth through 6th grade, we teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ while guiding kids at a young age into a growing relationship with Him. We believe children are the church of today and that these years are pivotal for building a faith foundation that lasts a lifetime. We see each moment we have with your child as an investment in eternity, and we don’t take this lightly.
Sunday Morning Classes
Children can attend class during either service at 8:45 and 10:30 on Sunday mornings. Our classes and activities are all centered on Biblical truth, with curriculum that is both age-appropriate and engaging. Classrooms are grouped by ages/grade: nursery-toddler, preschool-kindergarten, 1-4 grade, and 5-6 grade. Stop by the kids check-in area on the north side of the church (turn right when you enter the front doors) to register.
Midweek Ministries
Kids in 1st-4th grade will love our Wednesday night programming, GEMS and Trail Life. Older kids in 5th and 6th grades are invited to join us Tuesday nights. These groups generally meet from 6:30-8pm on the second and fourth weeks of most months during the school year (we take a break in the summer). Register online during the school year in the events listing below.
Connect With Us
Text the Gen Now Kids team at 330.366.1453
Email the Gen Now Kids team at kids@thefreshwater.church
Request to join the Gen Now Kids private Facebook group
Receive Text Alerts
Subscribe to texting updates for each of our Sunday morning classrooms to receive last-minute changes and other important information by clicking the keyword(s) below from your mobile device or simply texting the keyword(s) to 330.366.1453:
Our Gen Now Youth Ministry for teens in 7th-12th grade impacts the young people of our church and community in multiple ways. We seek to deepen relationships with our teens through large-group teachings, small-group discussions and studies, ongoing discipleship efforts, and events throughout the year that are designed to come alongside teens and their families in their journey toward Christ. We’ve often been asked, “What are you guys about?” Our short answer: We desire to unleash a generation who brings glory to God by knowing Him and making Him known as they live Up, In and Out.
Sunday Evening Gatherings
Reality 139, our weekly gathering for 7th-12th graders, meets from 5:30-7:30pm on most Sunday nights throughout the school year. These evenings typically begin with some food, a hangout time for games and relationship building, a time of worship, and teaching in a large-group setting. Teens then usually break out into their Life Groups for further discussion and engagement. Life Groups are broken up by grade, and each group is shepherded by at least one adult leader throughout the year.
There is no registration for Reality 139, so come out and join us!
Trips and Events
In addition to other small environments for discipleship, teens in the Gen Now Youth ministry are given opportunities to be part of short-term mission trips (international and stateside), to participate in local and out-of-state conferences, and to take part in unique events like The Great Turkey Chase, our annual epic scavenger hunt in and around Wadsworth that takes place in November. Check the events listing below to see what we have going on!
Connect With Us
Text the Gen Now Youth team at 330.366.1454
Email the Gen Now Youth team at youth@thefreshwater.church
Receive Text Alerts
Subscribe to texting updates from the Gen Now Youth team. Groups are available for high school students, middle school students, and parents of each group. To subscribe, click the keyword(s) below from your mobile device or simply text the keyword(s) to 330.366.1454:
Upcoming Family Events
There are all sorts of fun ways to be part of the Gen Now Family Ministries. Be sure to check this listing throughout the year for events for young kids, for teens and for our Freshwater families!
Want to Be Part of the Team?
If you're interested in serving in some capacity with our Gen Now Family Ministry, head to our Sacrificial Service page to learn more about what opportunities may be available and how you can find your fit!