The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

June 9 - August 4

This summer, you’re invited into a season of slowing down

As we head into the summer coming off our six-week series on “A New Way of Living” as disciples of Christ, we have an opportunity as a church to slow down and seek the leading of the Holy Spirit. How do the rhythms of our lives interfere with the deep work Jesus wants to do within us? Are we more influenced by our screens and our calendars than we are by the Spirit?

In this five-part video series from RightNow Media, author John Mark Comer addresses one of the greatest threats to our spiritual lives: hurry.

Click here to access the videos on RightNow Media (account required; details below).

This is a self-led study, meaning there are no meeting times set up. However, feel free to work through the five videos and corresponding study companion with your spouse, your family, a friend or a group of your choosing to share what you’ve been learning.

(Printed copies of the study companion will also be available to pick up in the foyer Sunday mornings throughout the summer.)

But this is also a Spirit-led study, meaning you will need to put yourself into quiet spaces alone with Jesus as you work through the ideas and questions so you can hear directly from Him. Allow Him to teach you. What does He want to say to you about the pace of your life? About your current priorities? About the intimacy of your relationship with Him?

We are asking everyone who engages with this study to be done by Sunday, August 4. That means you can take your time! There are only five videos in the study but you don't need to rush through them. Follow the Spirit's leading and spend as much time as you need with each session, rewatching videos and reviewing the content from the study companion as often as needed.

RightNow Media Instructions

This study is offered through RightNow Media and requires an active account. If you already have a RightNow Media account, you can access the videos and get started with the study right away.

If you don’t have a RightNow Media account, we offer a free subscription to all individuals and families who attend Freshwater! Simply click here to sign up for FREE access to this study of “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” along with many more Bible studies and resources for all ages. Think of it like a Netflix for topics about faith.

Encouragement for the Journey

We’ve set up a text group for the eight weeks of this summer study so we can send out some encouragement for the church along the way. These prompts will not be intended for you to engage with your phone, but instead, they’ll offer a simple prompt for you to step away and recalibrate your time for the day/week. This is our way to encourage and connect on these rhythms.

To opt in, text the word “hurry” to 330.366.1435.

Tell Us About Your Experience

As you slow down this summer and begin to work your way through this study, we would love to hear what God is doing in your life. He loves it when we share with other people the stories of how He’s been working. Click here to tell us your story during this slowed down summer!