
The entire global church gathering together like never before

Right now, there are 5.5 billion people on earth who don’t know Jesus. If we truly believed He was coming and coming soon, what would we do to reach them? What would the global Church be willing to do? Could 2.5 billion Christians on earth be mobilized to share the Gospel?

What is Gather25?

Throughout 2023, a group began to dream about what a gathering of the global Church – every man, woman and child who follows Jesus – could look like, and Gather25 was born.

This is not just another event or church conference. Gather25 is an unprecedented 25-hour global broadcast event telling the inspiring stories of the global Church and inviting believers across the world to pray, repent, and worship together.

The mission is critical. The vision is bold. Gather25 is the biggest group project that you will ever be a part of – a gathering of the global Church, which means we need YOU to be a part of it.

Gather25 is big, but it’s also small: personally invite your friends, share the vision, and gather in small communities wherever you are.


We are watching the first part LIVE from North America on Friday, February 28 here at Freshwater. We will kick off with a worship set and start watching together in the evening. Come at 7pm and the live video will start at 8pm.

Who is Invited?

This is a global event, but also a community event – so anyone and everyone can join us at Freshwater on February 28!

No registration required.

The experience will be fellowship with believers around the world – hear stories, worship together, pray together in real time.