Fellowship 6

June 1 - July 31

The Senior Saints are offering a summer gathering option called Fellowship 6. This is a voluntary opportunity to get together with five other people for a meal and a time to chat and get to know each other better. It works like this:

  • Let us know you are interested in a Fellowship 6, and whether or not you’d consider hosting, by either sending a text to 330.366.1488 or signing up at the Next Steps table.
  • We will create groups of six (three couples, two couples, and some singles, etc.) and communicate that to the hosts.
  • The hosts contact the others and organize a date and who can contribute what to the meal.
  • You all get together on the date and have fun!

You can meet one time during the summer, or once each month. We’re going to assume the same group, but if you really want to do two different groups just let us know in your response and we’ll try to accommodate you!