Little Letters: Jude 17-25

Freshwater Staff   -  

Two weeks ago, Josh Raines opened the last of our “Little Letters” by exploring the warnings found in the first 16 verses of Jude. Last week, Josh points out that Jude doesn’t stop at warning his readers – he offers a path forward over the book’s final nine verses.

In this little letter, we are called to be transformed by Christ’s love through prayer and supporting one another. Jude tells us that true resistance isn’t about fighting back, but becoming more like Jesus. We are called to show compassion and love, especially to those who seem lost.

Jude’s message leaves us with a choice: to follow a path of destruction and chaos, or to follow a path of formation.

The first path is the easy path. Jesus says it’s the broad path and many find it. It’s the path traveled by those who divide, the path traveled by those who Jude says do not have the Spirit.

But we can choose to follow a different path – a path of formation that allows us to become people of love in Christ. To become a new humanity, the people that we have been called to become in Christ. To become like Jesus.

This is a slow path. It is not an easy path. It requires surrender and sacrifice so that we can be formed more and more into the image of Jesus. It’s only accomplished in union with Christ, with the light of His presence invading every dark corner of our lives, transforming us into new humans.

We have the opportunity to choose. Will we choose the path of life in Jesus – the path of transformation – or will we choose the path of chaos and disorder?

Reflection Questions
  1. Who or what influences your thoughts and actions the most? Are you actively seeking to be formed by Christ’s love through prayer and fellowship with other believers?
  2. Do you find yourself easily swayed by negativity or division? How can you cultivate a more compassionate and understanding heart, even towards those with differing views?
  3. Are you more comfortable engaging in arguments or seeking ways to demonstrate Christ’s love in action? How can you better reflect Jesus’ message of unity and hope in your daily interactions?
  4. What would it look like for you to choose the path of transformation? What areas of your life might require surrender and sacrifice to become more like Jesus?
  5. How can you actively participate in building up and encouraging other believers on their own journeys of transformation? Who in your life could benefit from your support and encouragement in their walk with Christ?
Watch the Message
Worship Songs from July 14
  • “Cornerstone”
  • “So Will I (100 Billion X)”
  • “There Is A King”
  • “Revelation Song”