Baby Bottles for Akron Pregnancy Services
January 19 - February 2
Donations during our annual Baby Bottle Boomerang campaign make a difference for life! Each year, Akron Pregnancy Services (APS) offers baby bottles for collection on Sunday mornings here at Freshwater. To participate, simply pick up a bottle (or more than one!) beginning Sunday, January 19 and fill with loose change or, if you’d like, dollar bills and checks. Then bring your filled bottle(s) back to Freshwater no later than Sunday, February 2.
APS ministers to women who seek support in their life choice – pregnancy education, parenting guidance, and even direction for a personal relationship with Christ. APS also has expanded its men’s ministry offerings in recent years.
While all of the services APS offers are free to their client families, they are not free for APS to provide. Support generated during the Baby Bottle Boomerang drive helps provide these services and ultimately changes the lives of women, men and babies in Akron and the surrounding areas.
All baby bottles are due back to Freshwater by Sunday, February 2.
Year-round donations are always greatly appreciated! Learn more by visiting the APS website.
APS is a pregnancy resource center that provides accurate information and practical support in a safe, confidential and nonjudgmental environment. APS is a faith-based, nonprofit organization that serves women and families who are facing unplanned pregnancies or need pregnancy and parenting support.