Taking God’s presence to the world

Freshwater Staff   -  

We returned to Ezekiel 47 last Sunday as Pastor Jake examined how God’s presence in us is meant to impact the world, the way the river in Ezekiel’s vision impacted the area around the temple. As Jake pointed out, the river of God’s presence is a metaphor for the Holy Spirit, which fills us and then flows out into the world, bringing life and healing to barren places.

We are not meant to hoard the fresh water of God’s presence for ourselves, like collectors who keep valuable items hidden away. Instead, we are called to let His presence pour out of us into the lives of others. Just as the river in Ezekiel’s vision flows from the temple into the dead places, we are to take the life-giving presence of God into the hard and lifeless areas of our world. This is the essence of our mission as followers of Christ.

Normally when water runs into the desert, the water dries up. The desert typically impacts the water more than the water impacts the desert. But in Ezekiel’s vision, the opposite happens – as the river flows eastward, directly into the barren Judean desert, it brings blessing and life and healing to the dead places.

Similarly, God’s presence is intended to reach those who are lost and broken. Jesus exemplified this by spending time with outcasts and sinners, demonstrating that we should also seek out those who are far from God and bring them His love.

As we reflect on our own lives, where are the “dead places” God is calling us to go? Whether it’s our workplaces, schools or communities, we are empowered to bring His presence into those spaces. How can we be channels of God’s healing and love so the river of God’s presence can transform the lives of those around us?

Pastor Jake concluded the message by calling the church to a week-long time of prayer and fasting. You can learn more about that and download a digital guide for the week here. Jake left us with three questions to bring before God this week:

  1. God, is there any area of pride or sin that’s keeping me from being effectively used by you?
  2. God, is there anyone that you are giving me kingdom influence with now?
  3. God, is there a specific spirit-given assignment that you’re giving me today or in this season of my life?

The river of God’s presence is not just for our benefit; it is meant to flow through us to others. We are commissioned to go out into the world, carrying the fresh water of His presence to every corner of our lives.

Reflection Questions
  1. Reflect on the areas of your life where you might be “hoarding” God’s presence. How can you begin to let His presence overflow into the world around you?
  2. Consider the “dead places” in your community or personal life. What steps can you take to bring the life-giving presence of God into these areas?
  3. Jake talked about our need for humility in recognizing that the power is God’s, not ours. How can you practice humility in your daily interactions and ministry efforts?
  4. How can you actively seek out “spiritual wadis,” or opportunities where God might be calling you to pour out His presence?
  5. Reflect on the call to be the “fresh water” of God to the world. What specific actions can you take this week to live out this mission in your workplace, school, or community?
Watch the Message
Worship Songs from January 12
  • “See You Right”
  • “Oh Lord You’re Beautiful”
  • “Made for More”
  • “I Surrender”