A temporary home for the Hackett family

Freshwater Staff   -  

In 2023, Daniel and Katie Hackett, along with their three children, answered the Lord’s call on their family to teach and serve the people of Mongolia. Click here to see previous updates from the family!

We are excited to let you know that the Hackett family will be on a home assignment back in Ohio from May 25-August 21, 2025!

There are a lot of things that need to get sorted out before they head home for a few months, the most notable being that they need a place to stay. Are you able to help? Do you have a place – or know of one – that will be available during the above dates?

Daniel and Katie would like to be in Wadsworth, or at least to be somewhere relatively close since Freshwater will be their home base while they’re in the States.

Apart from that, they are open to whatever God is able to provide. They would be happy with an apartment or a house. Three bedrooms would be preferable but they can be flexible, if needed. Ideally, the space would be furnished because (obviously) Daniel and Katie aren’t coming home with any of their furniture, but if an unfurnished space is available, the church may be able to come together and help furnish it with the necessities. (Anything that people give for the Hacketts to use would be given back, since this is a temporary home assignment.)

Also, the kids would love to ride bikes while they’re home so if you have bikes you’re willing to loan, let us know!

Email missions@thefreshwater.church if you have a space the Hackett family could use, know of a potential opportunity or just have some ideas on how to help. If you have any questions, please call the office at 330.336.3561. More details about their home visit will be available soon, so stay tuned!