Joshua: Faith or fear?
Last Sunday, we opened our new Joshua series, “Get Up! Called to Lead with Courage,” by exploring what it looks like to step into God’s calling with courage and faith.
Week 1 of our study in Joshua coincided with the conclusion of our week-long time of prayer and fasting, which provided Pastor Jake with another opportunity to remind us of the vision here at Freshwater: to be a people who seek the manifest presence of God, filled by Him to pour out His love and presence into the world. As we continue walking into a new season as a church, we believe God is preparing us for even greater Kingdom impact. And just as the Israelites stood on the brink of entering the Promised Land, we too stand on the precipice of a new move of God.
The story of Joshua and the Israelites serves as a powerful warning about the challenges and fears that can hinder us from fulfilling God’s mission. In Joshua 1, we see a leader chosen by God battling fear and trepidation as he picked up the leadership mantle from Moses and moved into his new role.
God commanded Joshua to be strong and courageous four times in the first chapter (verses 6, 7, 9 and 18), emphasizing the importance of faith over fear. The Israelites’ previous failure to enter the Promised Land due to fear serves as a cautionary tale for us. Fear of man, fear of inadequacy, and fear of the unknown future can paralyze us, preventing us from stepping into God’s calling.
Jake challenged us to treat our fear not as a pet to be coddled but as a predator to be captured. It is crucial to confront and overcome these fears by fixing our eyes on God, who is with us and for us. With that in mind, Jake provided three questions that will help us reflect on our fears and the calling God has placed on our lives:
- Is there anything that’s holding you back from following the mission that God has given you?
- What is your God-appointed mission right now?
- What do you feel like God is calling you to right now that’s going to take courage and faith?
A God-given mission can only be accomplished by a limitless God. Our role is to obey and trust Him, knowing that He will accomplish what He has promised. As we embark on this new season, we are called to respond in faith, to step into the mission God has for us, and to trust in His power and strength.
Reflection Questions
- Reflect on a time when fear held you back from pursuing something you felt called to do. What was the fear, and how did it affect your decision?
- Jake discussed the fear of inadequacy. How do you typically respond when you feel inadequate for a task God has placed before you? What steps can you take to overcome this fear?
- Consider the fear of man that Jake explored. Is there someone whose opinion you fear more than God’s? How can you shift your focus to prioritize God’s calling over human approval?
- Jake emphasized the importance of fixing our eyes on God to overcome the fear of an unknown future. What practical steps can you take this week to focus more on God’s power and presence in your life?
- As we enter a new season as a church, what is one specific way you can respond in faith to the mission God has for you? How can you take a tangible step towards this calling?
Watch the Message
Worship Songs from January 19
- “Battle Belongs”
- “Holy Forever”
- “Christ Be Magnified”
- “No Longer Slaves” (after the message)