Spiritual Disciplines: Sabbath

Freshwater Staff   -  

In today’s fast-paced world, the idea of a day of rest can seem almost foreign. We’re constantly bombarded with messages about productivity, hustle and the importance of nonstop striving. But what if this relentless pursuit of “more” is actually leading us astray?

Pastor Jake continued on in our series on The Spiritual Disciplines last Sunday by exploring the Biblical mandate of the Sabbath, and specifically how observing this day of rest serves as a counter-practice to the values of our modern “hustle” culture.

In Exodus 20:8-11, we learn the Sabbath was instituted by God as a reminder of His creation and a sign of His salvation. For the ancient Israelites, it was a day to break free from the relentless pressure to produce, accumulate and achieve, and the same is true for us today.

In this series, we have been reminded that Jesus calls us to completely reorient our lives around Him and His way of living, and throughout Scripture we see that our God is a God of rest. When we follow His example by prioritizing a 24-hour period in our busy schedules to rest, we learn that the Sabbath is not life-taking, but life-giving. It’s a day for God’s people to delight in God.

So how can we begin to practice this discipline? Jake offered five practical tips for incorporating a Sabbath day into your life:

  1. Say no to some things. To make room for a Sabbath, you’ll need to prioritize and say no to other commitments.
  2. Choose one day of the week for your Sabbath. Decide which day of the week will be your Sabbath. It could be Sunday, or another day that works best for your schedule.
  3. Stop all your work and spend the day resting. On your Sabbath, completely cease from your regular work and responsibilities.
  4. Guard yourself from anything that exhausts your soul. Limit activities that drain your energy, such as social media or excessive screen time.
  5. Do what gives you life. Spend your Sabbath day engaging in activities that bring you joy, peace, and connection with God.

In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, the Sabbath offers a much-needed respite. By incorporating a day of rest and renewal into your life, you can experience a deeper connection with God, reduce stress, and find greater fulfillment.

Reflection Questions
  1. How does the concept of the Sabbath challenge your current understanding of rest and productivity? Does it reveal any areas where you might be overworking or neglecting self-care?
  2. What are some challenges or obstacles you may face in incorporating the Sabbath into your life? How can you overcome these challenges and persevere in your pursuit of rest and renewal?
  3. What are some specific ways that the Sabbath can help you counter the pressures of hustle culture and the “disease of more”? How can you resist the constant urge to do more and be more and accumulate more?
  4. How can you create a sacred space for Sabbath observance in your busy life? What practical steps can you take to prioritize rest and relaxation?
  5. How can you extend the spirit of Sabbath into the rest of your week? Can you find ways to incorporate elements of rest and renewal into your daily life?
Watch the Message
Worship Songs from September 15
  • “Jesus Strong and Kind”
  • “Come As You Are”
  • “Who You Say I Am”
  • “‘Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus” (after the message)
  • “Make Room” (after the message)