Spiritual Disciplines: Prayer

Freshwater Staff   -  

Pastor Jake kicked off a new series on The Spiritual Disciplines with a look at the transformative power of prayer.

Our souls are constantly being formed, shaped by the choices we make and the environments we inhabit. Just as a tree’s roots grow deeper with time, our spiritual lives are molded by the daily habits and decisions we make.

Scripture shows us that prayer acts as a counterbalance to the negative influences that shape our souls.

In a world filled with busyness, stress and harmful messages, prayer offers a refuge and a source of strength. It helps us to resist temptation, overcome anxiety, and find peace in the midst of chaos.

Prayer is also a counter-practice to the human desire to impress others and control our circumstances. When we pray, we acknowledge our dependence on God and surrender our plans to His will. This can be challenging, as we often feel the need to be in control and prove our worth. However, prayer reminds us that our true value lies in our relationship with God, not in our accomplishments or possessions.

Prayer is a powerful antidote to feelings of powerlessness and anxiety. When we feel overwhelmed by life’s challenges, prayer offers a lifeline to God. It reminds us that He is sovereign and in control, and that He cares deeply for us. By turning to Him in prayer, we can find strength, hope and peace.

God’s power is limitless. He can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. Therefore, there is no reason to withhold our prayers from Him. Let us pour out our hearts to God, knowing that He hears us and is ready to answer our prayers.

The Practice of Prayer

Looking for some direction on how to incorporate more prayer into your daily routine? Find some tips from our recent Week of Prayer!

Reflection Questions
  1. How have you experienced the transformative power of prayer in your own life?
  2. What specific areas of your life do you need to surrender to God’s control?
  3. How can you make prayer a more consistent and intentional part of your daily routine?
  4. What are some specific ways you can resist the negative influences that shape your soul?
  5. In what ways can you encourage others to prioritize prayer in their lives?
Watch the Message
Worship Songs from September 1
  • “I Love You Lord”
  • “Goodness of God”
  • “Only A Holy God”
  • “That’s the Power” (after the message)