The River of Life

Freshwater Staff   -  

Old friend Neil Clark explored the vision of a life-giving river in Ezekiel 47:1-12 this past Sunday as he pointed to all the faithful ways the Spirit has been working here at Freshwater Community Church.

During three years of waiting for God to provide a new lead pastor, our church has experienced remarkable growth and transformation. Just as the river in Ezekiel 47 brought abundance and restored life to a barren land, so too has God’s presence through His Holy Spirit sustained and even revitalized our church family.

As we step into this new season with Pastor Jake Poole as our lead pastor, Neil highlighted several numbers from our three years of waiting:

  • 18% growth rate
  • 40+ baptisms
  • 15 different speakers from the stage
  • 79 people accepting Christ as Savior

These numbers not only attest to the ways God has equipped Freshwater for this season of waiting, they also clearly show how the transformative power of the Holy Spirit has brought new, thriving, abundant life to our church family.

Let these reminders of God’s goodness, even in times of uncertainty, lead us to a place of unwavering gratitude for all He has done. And as we continue to submit to the leadership of Christ above all else, may we look ahead with excitement for all He will continue to do, both in our church, in our community and throughout the world.

Pastor Jake’s Installation Services

Remember, Pastor Jake will officially be installed as our new lead pastor during both services this Sunday, August 11! If you’re unable to attend in person, we will livestream our services at 8:45 and 10:30am as usual. Click here to watch a video replay of Jake’s announcement from June.

Reflection Questions
  1. How does the image of a life-giving river inspire your understanding of God’s provision in your own life and community?
  2. In what ways have you personally experienced God’s transformative power in your life, similar to the restoration depicted in Ezekiel’s vision?
  3. How can you actively participate in the ongoing story of God’s work at Freshwater Church and throughout the world?
  4. How can you cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude for God’s abundance in your life, recognizing the transformative power of His presence?
  5. What specific actions can you take to contribute to the spiritual growth and development of others within the church?
Watch the Message
Worship Songs from August 4
  • “The Father’s House”
  • “House of the Lord”
  • “Doxology (Amen)”
  • “King of Kings”