Little Letters: Jude 1-16

Freshwater Staff   -  

We are wrapping up the final “Little Letter” in our summer sermon series with a two-week exploration of Jude, a short book written by the half-brother of Jesus.

Josh Raines began last Sunday in the letter’s first 16 verses with Jude warning his Christian readers that they were facing a threat from within: false teachers who were twisting God’s grace for their own gain, living immorally and denying Jesus’ authority. Using powerful and well-known examples from the Old Testament, like the rebellion of Israel and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Jude says the influences that had “wormed their way” into this body of believers were sowing seeds of destruction and chaos.

But Jude’s message isn’t all doom and gloom. He urges believers to build themselves up in their faith, pray in the Holy Spirit, and stay rooted in God’s love. By living lives that reflect Jesus and being diligent about the influences that we allow into our hearts, our homes and our communities, we too can stand firm against false teachings.

Reflection Questions
  1. Identifying False Teachers: How does Jude describe the false teachers in the letter? Are there any characteristics that resonate with modern-day situations you’ve encountered?
  2. Building Up Your Faith: Jude urges believers to “build yourselves up in your most holy faith.” What practices can you incorporate into your daily life to strengthen your faith foundation?
  3. The Danger of Grace Abuse: Jude warns against those who “turn the grace of our God into shameless immorality.” Reflect on how you understand God’s grace in your life. How can you ensure you’re not misusing it as an excuse for sin?
  4. Rooted in God’s Love: According to Jude, how can staying rooted in God’s love help us stand firm against false teachings?
  5. Looking Forward to Christ’s Return: Jude concludes with a hopeful message about the coming of Jesus Christ. How does reflecting on Christ’s return influence your perspective on the challenges mentioned in the book?
Watch the Message
Worship Songs from July 7
  • “My Testimony”
  • “Reign Above It All”
  • “I Speak Jesus”
  • “Break Every Chain”